Последнее время редко пишу на своей странице. В душе все смешалось в одну кучу- радость, усталость, победы, разочарование, благодарность, опустошение…. Нет сил и желания этим делиться как раньше.
Но сегодня вновь торкнуло, екнуло, задело глубоко…
Пришла мама просить помощи за сына. Красивая женщина с грустными глазами. Внешне спокойная, но мне кажется она просто научилась с этим жить за два года болезни ребёнка …
Научилась…, но не опустила руки. Аида Жунушова , так зовут маму - медсестра, работала в «Кризисном центре для детей в трудной жизненной ситуации»
Увидела там мальчика и сердцем привязалась к чужому ребёнку. Имея своих пятерых детей,Аида с мужем приняли героическое на мой взгляд решение, они усыновили мальчишку по имени Ислам!!! На мой удивленный вопрос почему , ведь 5 детей своих?! Развела руками, а потом показала на сердце и тихо произнесла :
- Поняла что мой…
Фонд завален просьбами о помощи в борьбе за жизнь, очень многих детей ведём уже по несколько лет , суммы индивидуальной помощи исчисляются в десятки миллионов! Нам Трудно,… но тихие слова Женщины-Матери, для которой чужих детей не бывает, всколыхнули в моей душе шквал смешанных чувств- -уважения, восхищения и желания во что бы то не стало ПОМОЧЬ!
Диагноз Байэля D61.9 Приобретённая апластическая анемия тяжелой формы. Старший сын снимает квартиру в Бишкеке , в которой и живет Аида с Байэлем , пока лечатся в Бишкеке. Муж работает водителем, старшие сыновья 22 и 21 год, тоже работают чтоб помогать в лечении братишки. За два года ушло много денег, один дорогостоящий препарат Атгам только был куплен на 450.000 сом . Сейчас постоянные кровотечения , состояние ребёнка ухудшается на глазах.
Помогите спасти сына, мне больно смотреть как мой сын мучается….
так закончила свою просьбу о помощи женщина , которая подарила любовь и приняла в семью шестого ребёнка. Такие люди не должны оставаться одни в трудных жизненных ситуациях!
Наш фонд Help the Children-SKD тоже берет в нашу семью сына Аиды- Байэля.
За плечами нашего фонда стоит АРМИЯ ЛЮДЕЙ СПОСОБНЫХ СЛЫШАТЬ СЕРДЦЕМ! Я всегда кланяюсь ВАМ и верю что все вместе мы сможем собрать деньги на пересадку костного мозга.
15 февраля 2022г.
В 2003 году день 15 февраля был провозглашен Международный Днем борьбы с детским раком.
С тех пор он отмечается в 38 странах мира под патронатом Международного общества детских онкологов и по инициативе Международной конфедерации организаций родителей детей, больных раком (ICCCPO). Ежегодно 15 февраля люди во всем мире проводят благотворительные акции, направленные на привлечение внимания общества и правительств к этой проблеме и оказание посильной помощи больным детям.
И к этой дате фонд перечислил 10 000 долларов на Еркетанова Байэля,с диагнозом апластическая анемия тяжелой формы. Мальчик на данный момент находится в Турции. И наш фонд согласно гарантийному письму перевёл на счёт клиники 10 000 долларов.
Президент Елена Конева и вся команда благотворительного фонда выражает огромную благодарность всем жертвователям:
Сеть супермаркетов «Народный»- 8500$
Ресторан «Нар»-1000$
На данный момент состояние Байэля стабильное. Донорский столовые клетки прижились!
Baiel Yerketanov, 12 years old. Diagnosis: Acquired severe aplastic anemia
Elena Koneva
October 14, 2021
About my admiration for a woman who needs our help.
Recently, I have rarely been writing on my page. Everything is mixed up in my soul – joy, exhaustion, victory, disappointment, gratitude, devastation… I don’t have the strength or wish to share as I had earlier.
But today my soul jumped, my heart skipped a beat, and I was once again touched deeply…
A mother came to ask for help for her son. She was a beautiful woman with sad eyes. She looked calm on the outside, but it seemed to be that she had simply learned to live these past two years with the sickness of her child. She learned… but had not given up. Aida Shunushova, as this mother is named, is a nurse who works at the “Crisis Center for Children in Difficult Family Situations.”
There, she saw a boy , and her heart went out to the child of someone else. Having 5 children of her own, Aida and her husband decided to adopt the boy named Islam – a heroic decision in my eyes! When I asked her with surprise why, when she already had 5 kids of her own (!), she lifted her hands and put them over her heart. She softly said:
- I understood, that he was mine.
The foundation is swamped with requests for help in the fight for life. Over just a few years, we’ve helped many children with funds from individual aid reaching tens of millions! It is difficult for us… but the quiet words of this woman and mother, for whom there are no “other people’s” children, stirred up a flurry of mixed feelings in my soul – respect, inspiration, and the desire to HELP at all costs!
Baiel’s diagnosis is D61.9 acquired severe aplastic anemia. The oldest son rents an apartment in Bishkek where Aida lives with Baiel while he gets treated in Bishkek. The husband works at a driver, and the eldest sons are 22 and 21 years old. They also work in order to help treat their brother. Over 2 years, a lot of money has already been spent. One expensive drug, Atgam, was just bought for 450,000 som. There is constant bleeding, and the child’s condition worsens before his eyes. “Help save my son! It hurts me to see him so silent,” ended her request, a woman who gave love and accepted into her family a sixth child. Such people shouldn’t be left alone in such difficult life situations!
Our foundation Help the Children-SKD has also accepted Aida and Baiel into our family.
An ARMY OF PEOPLE WHO CAN LISTEN WITH THEIR HEARTS stand on the shoulders of our foundation1 I always bow down to YOU and belief that together, we can collect the money necessary for his bone marrow transplant to be conducted on February 15, 2022.
In 2003, February 15 was proclaimed International Childhood Cancer Day.
Since then, the day has been celebrated in 38 countries around the world under the patronship of the International Society of Pediatric Oncology and by the initiative of the International Confederation of Childhood Cancer Parent Organization (ICCCPO). Every year on February 15, people around the world hold charity events to bring attention of society and governments to this problem and provide feasible care to sick children.
And by this date, the foundation has transferred $10,000 to Baiel Yerketanov, who was diagnosed with severe aplastic anemia. At the moment, the boy is in Turkey. Our foundation has written a letter of guaranteed payment of $10,000 to the clinic. President Elena Koneva and the whole team at our charity foundation would like to express our sincere gratitude to all donors:
Supermarket chain “Narodniy” - $8,500
Restaurant “Nar” - $1,000
Shabdanu - $500
At the moment, Baiel’s condition is stable. Donor stem cells have taken root!
Elena Koneva
October 14, 2021
About my admiration for a woman who needs our help.
Recently, I have rarely been writing on my page. Everything is mixed up in my soul – joy, exhaustion, victory, disappointment, gratitude, devastation… I don’t have the strength or wish to share as I had earlier.
But today my soul jumped, my heart skipped a beat, and I was once again touched deeply…
A mother came to ask for help for her son. She was a beautiful woman with sad eyes. She looked calm on the outside, but it seemed to be that she had simply learned to live these past two years with the sickness of her child. She learned… but had not given up. Aida Shunushova, as this mother is named, is a nurse who works at the “Crisis Center for Children in Difficult Family Situations.”
There, she saw a boy , and her heart went out to the child of someone else. Having 5 children of her own, Aida and her husband decided to adopt the boy named Islam – a heroic decision in my eyes! When I asked her with surprise why, when she already had 5 kids of her own (!), she lifted her hands and put them over her heart. She softly said:
- I understood, that he was mine.
The foundation is swamped with requests for help in the fight for life. Over just a few years, we’ve helped many children with funds from individual aid reaching tens of millions! It is difficult for us… but the quiet words of this woman and mother, for whom there are no “other people’s” children, stirred up a flurry of mixed feelings in my soul – respect, inspiration, and the desire to HELP at all costs!
Baiel’s diagnosis is D61.9 acquired severe aplastic anemia. The oldest son rents an apartment in Bishkek where Aida lives with Baiel while he gets treated in Bishkek. The husband works at a driver, and the eldest sons are 22 and 21 years old. They also work in order to help treat their brother. Over 2 years, a lot of money has already been spent. One expensive drug, Atgam, was just bought for 450,000 som. There is constant bleeding, and the child’s condition worsens before his eyes. “Help save my son! It hurts me to see him so silent,” ended her request, a woman who gave love and accepted into her family a sixth child. Such people shouldn’t be left alone in such difficult life situations!
Our foundation Help the Children-SKD has also accepted Aida and Baiel into our family.
An ARMY OF PEOPLE WHO CAN LISTEN WITH THEIR HEARTS stand on the shoulders of our foundation1 I always bow down to YOU and belief that together, we can collect the money necessary for his bone marrow transplant to be conducted on February 15, 2022.
In 2003, February 15 was proclaimed International Childhood Cancer Day.
Since then, the day has been celebrated in 38 countries around the world under the patronship of the International Society of Pediatric Oncology and by the initiative of the International Confederation of Childhood Cancer Parent Organization (ICCCPO). Every year on February 15, people around the world hold charity events to bring attention of society and governments to this problem and provide feasible care to sick children.
And by this date, the foundation has transferred $10,000 to Baiel Yerketanov, who was diagnosed with severe aplastic anemia. At the moment, the boy is in Turkey. Our foundation has written a letter of guaranteed payment of $10,000 to the clinic. President Elena Koneva and the whole team at our charity foundation would like to express our sincere gratitude to all donors:
Supermarket chain “Narodniy” - $8,500
Restaurant “Nar” - $1,000
Shabdanu - $500
At the moment, Baiel’s condition is stable. Donor stem cells have taken root!

