На днях, в наш офис по почте, пришло письмо из г.Кемин от Арипова Шарапидина. Мужчина просил спасти его сына Султана 2012г.р.
В 2018году у него умерла супруга от рака легких, на руках осталось трое детей. Султанчик самый младший в семье. Сам он работает водителем в г.Кемин и получат всего 12 000сом. Семья еще не отошла от потери матери, а тут еще одно несчастье! В июле этого года мальчик стал плохо себя чувствовать, гемоглобин упал до 57г/л при норме 120г/л!!! Обследование провели в отделении гематологии НЦОМиД. Врачи гематологи выставили страшный диагноз: Апластическая анемия!
Честно сказать, мы восхищаемся этим отцом! Не имея дополнительного заработка, какого-либо подсобного хозяйства, он не опустил руки. Он решил бороться за своего сына!
Ребенку срочно нужен дорогостоящий препарат АТГАМ. Всего нужно 16 ампул. Одну ампулу Шарапидин уже приобрел. Для покупки 15 ампул необходимо около 180 000 сом. Около 100 000 сом помогли собрать родственники и друзья , осталось собрать еще 80 000 сом.
9 .10.2020год.
УРА!!! Еще один сбор закрыт. Мы собрали 80 000 сомов!
Препарат пришлось искать по всей Москве, и помогла нам в этом нелегком деле - прекрасная женщина и душой, и сердцем по имени Нона Ншанян. Она обзванивала все склады и аптеки, объездила огромное количество аптек собирала по всему огромному мегаполису буквально по 1 ампуле. Выражаем огромную благодарность всем, кто принимал участие и помогал в сборе средств и получении лекарства. Ведь это так важно, помогать детям во время!
Sultan Aripov, born 2012. Diagnosis: Aplastic anemia
September 22, 2020
The other day, a letter Sharapidin Aripov in the city Kemin came to our office by mail. The man asked us to save his son Sultan, born in 2012. In 2018, his wife had passed away from lung cancer, leaving behind three children. Sultan is the youngest in the family. His father works as a driver in the city Kemin and makes only 12,000 soms. The family hasn’t even healed from the loss of the mother, and now there is another misfortune! In July of this year, the boy began to feel unwell, and his hemoglobin fell to 57g/L from the normal 120g/L!!! Exams were conducted in the hematological unit of the National Center for Maternal and Child Care. Hematologists gave him the terrifying diagnosis: aplastic anemia!
Honestly speaking, we admire this father! Even without additional earnings or any subsidiary farm, he did not give up. He decided to fight for his son’s life!
The child urgently needs the expensive drug ATGAM. He only needs 16 ampules. Sharapidin already obtained one ampule. For purchasing the remaining 15 ampules, he needs around 180,000 som. Relatives and friends helped him collect around 100,000 soms, so 80,000 soms are elft to collect.
October 10, 2020
Hooray!!! One more case has been closed! We collected 80,000 soms!
We had to search all of Moscow to find this drug, and in this difficult task, we were helped by a wonderful woman, heart, and soul by the name of Nona Nshahyan. She called all warehouses and pharmacies, went to each and every pharmacy in the ginormous megapolis, and was able to collect literally just one ampule. We express our enormous gratitude to all who participated and helped collect money to obtain the medicine. After all, it is extremely important to help children in time!
September 22, 2020
The other day, a letter Sharapidin Aripov in the city Kemin came to our office by mail. The man asked us to save his son Sultan, born in 2012. In 2018, his wife had passed away from lung cancer, leaving behind three children. Sultan is the youngest in the family. His father works as a driver in the city Kemin and makes only 12,000 soms. The family hasn’t even healed from the loss of the mother, and now there is another misfortune! In July of this year, the boy began to feel unwell, and his hemoglobin fell to 57g/L from the normal 120g/L!!! Exams were conducted in the hematological unit of the National Center for Maternal and Child Care. Hematologists gave him the terrifying diagnosis: aplastic anemia!
Honestly speaking, we admire this father! Even without additional earnings or any subsidiary farm, he did not give up. He decided to fight for his son’s life!
The child urgently needs the expensive drug ATGAM. He only needs 16 ampules. Sharapidin already obtained one ampule. For purchasing the remaining 15 ampules, he needs around 180,000 som. Relatives and friends helped him collect around 100,000 soms, so 80,000 soms are elft to collect.
October 10, 2020
Hooray!!! One more case has been closed! We collected 80,000 soms!
We had to search all of Moscow to find this drug, and in this difficult task, we were helped by a wonderful woman, heart, and soul by the name of Nona Nshahyan. She called all warehouses and pharmacies, went to each and every pharmacy in the ginormous megapolis, and was able to collect literally just one ampule. We express our enormous gratitude to all who participated and helped collect money to obtain the medicine. After all, it is extremely important to help children in time!