На 151013 сом, благодаря помощи и доверию Европейского Банка развития и реконструкции European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Фонд закупил для нашего нового подопечного Кирилла Кузнецова дорогостоящий препарат Актемра.
9 сентября 2021 года к нам обратилась Кристина, мама Кирилла, с просьбой помочь сыну. У ребенка тяжелое заболевание: ювенильный идиопатический артрит, системный вариант дебюта.
Краткая информация: Ювенильный идиопатический (ревматоидный) артрит (ЮИА)-хроническое, тяжелое прогрессирующее заболевание детей и подростков с преимущественным поражением суставов неясной этиологии и сложным, аутоиммунным патогенезом, которое приводит к постепенной деструкции суставов, нередко сопровождается внесуставными проявлениями, нарушает рост и развитие ребенка, при несвоевременном лечении может привести к инвалидности.
Мальчику всего 9 лет. Заболевание обнаружили год назад. В семье двое детей, родители в разводе. Отец мальчика алименты выплачивает, но дополнительно финансово не помогает, не имеет возможности. Кирилл, благодаря своей бабушке со стороны матери, смог уже 2 раза побывать в г.Санкт-Петербурге на обследовании и лечении. В российской клинике назначили длительное применение препарата Актемра, только в этом случае будет положительный результат.
Мы благодарим руководство и всех сотрудников ЕБРР за неоценимый вклад в спасении детских жизней маленьких кыргызстанцев.
Kirill Kuzentsov, born 2012. Diagnosis: systemic onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis
For 151,013 som, thanks to the help of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the foundation managed to buy our new ward Kirill Kuznetsov the expensive drug Actemra. On September 9, 2021, Kristina, mother of Kirill, came to us with the request to help her son. The child suffers from a difficult illness: systemic onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Disease summary: juvenile idiopathic (rheumatoid) arthritis (JIA) is a difficult chronic progressive disease affecting children and teenagers with predominant joint damage of unclear etiology and a complex autoimmune pathogenesis that leads to the gradual destruction of joints. It is often accompanied by extra-articular manifestations and disrupts the growth and development of the child. Without timely treatment, it can render a child disabled. This boy is 9 years old. The disease was detected a year ago. There are two children in the family, and the parents are divorced. The boy’s father pays alimony, but he does not help out financially outside of this as he doesn’t have the ability to. Kirill, thanks to his grandmother on his mother’s side, has been able to undergo examination and treatment in Saint-Petersburg two times already. He was prescribed long-term treatment with the drug Actrema by the Russian clinic, as only with this can there be a positive result.
We are thankful to the leadership and whole team in the EBRD for their invaluable contribution towards saving the life of this young Kyrgyz boy.
For 151,013 som, thanks to the help of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the foundation managed to buy our new ward Kirill Kuznetsov the expensive drug Actemra. On September 9, 2021, Kristina, mother of Kirill, came to us with the request to help her son. The child suffers from a difficult illness: systemic onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Disease summary: juvenile idiopathic (rheumatoid) arthritis (JIA) is a difficult chronic progressive disease affecting children and teenagers with predominant joint damage of unclear etiology and a complex autoimmune pathogenesis that leads to the gradual destruction of joints. It is often accompanied by extra-articular manifestations and disrupts the growth and development of the child. Without timely treatment, it can render a child disabled. This boy is 9 years old. The disease was detected a year ago. There are two children in the family, and the parents are divorced. The boy’s father pays alimony, but he does not help out financially outside of this as he doesn’t have the ability to. Kirill, thanks to his grandmother on his mother’s side, has been able to undergo examination and treatment in Saint-Petersburg two times already. He was prescribed long-term treatment with the drug Actrema by the Russian clinic, as only with this can there be a positive result.
We are thankful to the leadership and whole team in the EBRD for their invaluable contribution towards saving the life of this young Kyrgyz boy.